About Me
- Name: brian eff
- Location: within crime-ing distance of trenton, new jersey, French Guiana
- our playlists
- chris bozzone
- blasTITSude
- andthenthechimneyspoke
- chocoreve
- 8 days in april
- garden of delights
- insectandindividual
- music for your eyes
- sonic pollutions
- groovyfab workshop
- perfumed garden
idiot control radio - 7-10 pm EST on wprb, princeton, nj. 103.3 fm. stereo. psychedeletion.
Monday, April 24, 2006
the bozzone report

chris' new album is out and highly recommended. check out honeymoon music for an mp3 and more info - he had some pretty heavy backup this time from the likes of tara burke (vocals, fursaxa), sarada (vocals, stone breath), jennifer lee (violin), todd moore (acoustic/electric bass), eric brown (saxophone/banjo) and mark durante (clarinet). i can honestly say he's doing something unique in the world of folk so you should check out the record...
OR you can check out a live session he recorded for jon solomon's radio program which will be airing may 10th (05.10.06) at 8pm eastern time.